Skin Care Tip: Sun protection for the skin around the eyes


submitted by Dauna Coulter, Huntsville, AL USA

I do a lot of exercise, and when I sweat, sunscreens run into my eyes and make them burn. Therefore I no longer use traditional sunscreens around my eyes. I use chapsticks that contain sunscreen! They are waxy so they don't run. I always use the kind that contains sunscreen but no menthol, since menthol and similar ingredients can make your eyes burn a little.

For an added benefit, waxy chapstick on your eyelashes makes them darker and makes them stick together, so you appear to have on mascara. Of course, this "mascara" will never run when YOU run -- or any other time

I got excellent results. My eyes did not burn, and the sunscreen in the chapstick protected the skin around my eyes from the sun!

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